The word legacy is defined as anything
handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor. God has called all of us to produce in His
kingdom. He put gifts, talents,
assignment, vision, purpose, dream, and destiny on the inside of us. God knew us before the foundation of the
world and when we were born, we were born with a purpose to fulfill and a
legacy to leave.
Some of us have started
organizations, prayer groups, ministries, book clubs, networking groups, businesses,
social groups, and/or have written books; however, my questions to you would be,
“where do you see yourself going?” Is it
a hobby? Is it for the moment? Is this something to pass the time away or
are you trying to build something that will outlast you?
Whatever it is that you have
started, it wasn’t a thought that popped into your head; but the very purpose
of God downloaded in you.
With that in mind, we must consult God to give us the strategies that
will bring the business or ministry into full fruition the way He originally
intended it to be. Mark 4:26-29, talks
about a parable on how the kingdom of God operates. We see from this parable that the growth of
our harvest is in stages; first the blade, then the ear after that the full
corn in the ear (vs 28).
When God releases His glory
through our lives, it will always grow in stages. We are not to get discouraged in the
different stages, because God is always teaching and developing us to bring
forth more fruit or shall I say more aspects in the business/ministry. You must develop a mind that says, “I’m
building something that will outlast me.”
When you recognize that you are building something greater than what you
can see today, it will cause you to make the necessary adjustments and
sacrifices one must do for that purpose.
It is like having a baby that
needs your attention, and your care. You
must nurture and give attention to your business/ministry/organization like you
would a baby. Your attention and time
and effort that you give into your business will shift as your
business/ministry begins to take off, like the baby grows into different stages
of childhood to young adult. Remember,
ultimately you want the business/ministry to grow to the point where it can
take care of you, run without you and expand to the other components.
You only see today, but God who
put the vision in you sees the end and He will guide you through the process
and the different stages, if you allow Him to be the CEO and take the helm of
the business. Leaving a legacy means
that when you die, the business or ministry doesn’t die with you. For example, fast food places like Wendy’s,
Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonald’s, etc., all started by one person who had an
idea. I believe they have all past away
or at least very old, but they all left a legacy that has grown past the very
idea that they started with. Who says,
God desire for you isn’t to make a mark like that on the earth. We must first believe that all things are
possible to them who believe and then we must roll our sleeves up and begin to
treat our business/ministry with the care and attention it needs at the stage
that is in right now.
Begin to ask God for the
strategies that will cause your business/ministry to catapult to the next
level. Be faithful and be
consistent. Remember your
business/ministry can’t grow pass your own personal development because you
bring you to the table, no matter what you are building.
Listen to my next blog talk radio
program where I can go in depth about this:
Next episode, Friday, June 15, 2012 at 8:30am – Remember to FOLLOW US so
you can stay abreast of the upcoming episodes.I have two powerful books that would be great tool to building your business/ministry and to your personal development. "It is Time 2 Unmask the Real You" and "The Wonders of His Grace" - for more details go to: