The Kingdom of God has always suffered violence from the moment sin entered the earth thru one man's disobedience. From the days of Noah, Moses, Joshua, David, Jesus & Apostle Paul, to name a few, the truth and light of God's Kingdom always had to prevail against the kingdom of darkness. Ephesians 6 tells us that our fight isn't against people, but the 1/3 of the angels (demonic spirits) that fell with Lucifer. He hates God, and the only way he can fight God is to distort His creation and bait humanity to play out the devil's playbook.
Ephesians also shows us that the power of our prophetic stance is laid out inside our battle armor. This armor is not just a garment to protect us, but also the backing of strength and power of our weapons. God is our Commander and Chief, and because nothing takes Him unaware, our first assignment is to have our ear, to His mouth. That alone will keep you ahead of the game/fight. Every fight is different, so you can never go into battle with the last mission or charge in your ear.
The first weapon/garment of choice is to "gird your loins with TRUTH." Isn't it ironic that the first garment is not our headgear, but our waist? The enemy dwells in the dark and is a master at lying to God's people. No man can fight, stand, or walk in the light of the Kingdom, without knowing the truth of what God said and is saying. Not only do we fight the good fight of faith, but also the truth. Without truth, then lies, distraction, deception, offense, and unforgiveness runs its course in our lives, and the rest of the armor becomes ineffective for battle. Your loins are also the center of your body, which God's truth keeps you erected and balanced. This alone is a strong weapon of defense and offense.
Once your loins are protected, then we put on the “breastplate of righteousness.” This armor is imperative to keeping your heart right. Matt. 15:18 says what comes out of our heart is what defiles a man. Many people are walking and doing ministry defiled. We get discouraged and disappointed by the people we encounter because offended people offend others. This piece of armor protects your heart and keeps you open to your Commander and Chief to reveal residue that can build up on your journey. We remain in right standing with God when we allow the Holy Spirit to do the inner work in our life. This armor/garment is crucial so TRUTH can be released in love and in right standing.
The 3rd garment has to do with our ability to walk, fight, stand, and run. He tells us to "shod our feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace." 2 Tim. 4:2 refers to us being ready in season and out of season, and 2 Cor 5:19 says we are ministers of reconciliation. We have been called out of darkness to show forth his marvelous light. It didn't say we got saved just to go to church. The world is searching and trying to fill voids in their lives. They are turned off from the Bible toters, giving out scriptures they do not follow. We are to be the light of the world, salt of the earth, and God's expressions in our everyday lifestyles, making us a living epistle that will draw the people to Him.
Now we take the "Shield of faith" in our left hand that becomes a weapon of defense and offense against the fiery darts that life can throw our way. Faith is believing what God said, not what you see. What you see will always be contrary to what God is doing. Heb. 11:6 says it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to please God without faith. Why? Because we rob God of what He wants to do in the earth. Rms. 8 says that the flesh opposes the spirit. Your faith that is rooted in truth is a shield against the inner conversations and what life is presenting to you. What keeps this weapon/garment strong is when it’s undergirded with patience. Patience strengthens our faith inside of being developed, transformed, and equipped for what God is bringing us into. This garment/armor is what’s needed to fortify our TRUTH.
Now let's put on "the helmet of salvation." Your mind is like the steering wheel of a car, which controls the direction of where your car goes. Rms. 12:2 tells us to renew the mind so that the mind of Christ will begin to influence the decisions we make. Therefore, this garment is crucial to remaining in the truth of God's word, because the enemy comes to lure us into the darkness of our imaginations. 2 Cor. 10:5 tells us to cast down every thought that exalts itself against what God already said in His word and what the Holy Spirit revealed. Protecting your mind is crucial so when things happen in life, you do not play out the enemy's plays of offense, bitterness, and intimidation, etc.
And last but not least, let’s hold the "sword of the spirit," in our right hand, which is the word of God that is quick, alive, and powerful than any two-edged sword. Life and death are in the power of your tongue and God has given us the same authority as Jesus because we are joint-heirs. By your words, you empower either the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of darkness over your life. By your words of faith, you operate in the same authority as Jesus, and by your words of doubt, murmuring, and fear you give your authority over to the devil.
Kingdom Ambassador
Founder, Daughters of Zion Empowerment Center
CEO, Anointed Press Graphics, Inc.