Friday, November 27, 2015

Entrepreneurs – vs – Kingdom Entrepreneurs

Webster defines an entrepreneur as a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.
Entrepreneurs have a different kind of mindset.  They are a unique breed of people.  While some people sit and fantasize about the glamour of being their own boss, those in the thick of business understand that even though there are rewards to entrepreneurship, it can also be difficult and complicated.

To be successful at entrepreneurship you can’t start the journey by impulsively quitting your job to chase a get-rich-quick idea or because you hate your boss.  There are many articles, post and blogs that give us step-by-step insight into starting and running a business.  For the sake of this blog, I want to talk about the difference between entrepreneurship the worlds way and the kingdom way.  I once read an article that said; that there is no magic to entrepreneurship.   The super-rich entrepreneurs you read about in the news usually didn’t get there because they randomly stumbled upon a great idea.  They got there because they poured years of effort and passion into a good idea, and eventually their efforts paid off.  You can’t become an entrepreneur expecting there to be a miracle, or some kind of instant, magical rise to the top because your idea was revolutionary.
Although I agree with some of that statement, there is another perspective I’m going to share.  I call it “the Kingdom Entrepreneurship way.”  Matthew 25:15 says God has given us talents according to our ability.  That means there are gifts, talents, and an anointing that lies on the inside of us that God gave us to accomplish the assignment and dream that we were born to fulfill.  We were all born to accomplish something on the Earth that will make a difference in the lives of those we serve.  Your business answers and solves someone’s problem.  The assignment that God put on the inside of you is bigger than just you getting rich; however, your finances will increase when you obey your God-given assignment.
Kingdom Entrepreneurship is about recognizing who really is the CEO of your business.  Let me give you an example.  When you go to work, you are responsible for performing the task that is set before you.  You are responsible for getting there on time, checking in with your up line for the daily assignments etc.  What you are NOT responsible for is the running of the entire company.  You are not responsible for how all the employees will get a paycheck or how the company keeps their contract so they can stay in business.  The CEO wears that burden.  Well it is the same way with your business.  When you recognize that God, who put the business in you, is really the CEO, then you will begin to seek Him for the daily, weekly and monthly instructions.  When you have regular meetings with your CEO, then He gives you the grace to balance your business, family, church, etc. 
The world standard is work hard, grind all night, exhaust yourself with work, work, work; trying to make it happen and make it big.  Although we do want our businesses to take off; Kingdom Entrepreneurship is not about exhausting yourself with works of flesh.  It is about stepping out on what you hear in you, taking risk based on what God is telling you to do and watch the unfolding of what God wants to bring you into.  Many of us listen to more people around us and what they did and their advice instead of listening to what God put in your heart to do.  The reason why we second guess ourselves a lot of times is because of the fear of the unknown and our own inadequacy issues.
When I first started my business, Anointed Press Graphics, Inc., I started in my mother’s basement.  My business was birthed through a spoken word.  I never went to school for what I’m doing and I did not come from an entrepreneurial background.  I have been a secretary my entire life, so I was in a position where I had to lean on God, and not my own wisdom or skills, because I knew He started it.  When you recognize that God is the CEO of your business, then you will come to know that His wisdom will always supersede man’s wisdom.  People can give you advise from their perspective, but God knows where He is taking you and the route to get your there.
Let me give you an example:  When God told me to come off the job and do my business full time I was gun hoe until someone told me to save money and pay my bills off first.   That makes since, so now what that person said became my mission versus what God stated.  God then spoke two (2) more times about coming off the job, but I was paralyzed with fear because I didn’t have any money saved and I didn’t live home with my mother.  Well needless to say, God showed me I was going to be fired for something I didn’t do and I cried and said, “God I don’t want to go out like that.”  I heard God say, “I gave you 3 opportunities to leave and you would not.”  Two days later I was fired.  My business didn’t go to the next level until after I left the job.  Then after coming off the job two (2) months later God said, “Get your own place.”  I told another business friend and he stated, “all you need is a little suite, you don’t have much.”  I was like, “you right.”  But when it came to me looking, I didn’t care what I got, because in my mind I didn’t make enough to pay two (2) rents.  When God directed me to the location He had for me, it is a standalone building, approximately 1100 sq. ft.
God’s plan is bigger than what we see in front of us.  Making God your CEO will force you to deal with those things that is coming up in you as God pushes you out of the safe zone of entrepreneurship.  He knows what He put inside of you.  He knows your weaknesses, your strengths, your gifts, and everything else you are bringing to the table.  He just needs you to trust the process and trust Him as your CEO to take care of you.  The business you started or will start is not about you, but what God wants to do in the Earth.  It’s about marketplace anointing that lies in you to be the vessel He can use in the marketplace for His people.  Don’t allow the success or the frustrations of your beginning stage to cause you to lose focus of what is really taking place.
I'm offering a program called Metamorphosis.  It’s a 1 year coaching program geared around your need.  The biggest value in this program is the accountability because I have seen many people go to conference/ workshops and church w/ great word and go home and fall back into the same routine.  You also get monthly 30 minutes of 1-1 coaching, ½ off my workshop, one of my books for free, and 1 hr group coaching session via phone.  You get all this for 47.00 a month but the initial fee is 250.00 (this price is for a limited time).  Click here for more details and to register.  I can be reached during the day 301-782-2285.
This is your time to shift your business, ministry and/or organization to the next level. 

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