Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tips and Strategies - Building Your Business Beyond a Hobby

There are many reasons why people go into business for themselves. Some people feel like there has to be something other than the 9-5 job; for some there friends or family members talk them into turning what they like to do into a business and for some they may have gotten fired from their job as was now forced to pursue their own. However, there may be some of you, like me, who just stumbled into a business, with no prior dreams of it.

Needless to say it is important for you to establish what your personal reasons for going into business for yourself. Take a minute and write down on a piece of paper 3 reasons for going into business for yourself. This exercise will help you to stay focus even in the rough times.

On the next blog, we will talk about what the difference between an entrepreneur and someone who treats their business like a hobby.

If you would like to find out more about how to build your business beyond a hobby, please order the EBOOK - "Tips & Strategies to Building Your Business Beyond a Hobby" by Karen M. Presley at

or call 202-251-5616
or email me at: